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更新时间:2025-03-03 08:09:37
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be stressed out在线翻译

1. Besides pointing out that Chinese enterprises should adhere to the principles of honesty and credibility, he stressed they should be willing to shoulder social responsibilities.

2. She feels less stressed out now and feels it's best to be away from Seal, so she doesn't get confused about her feelings.

3. She stressed that the project will be subject to statutory requirements set out by the Town Planning Board and Antiquities Authority.

4. He stressed that any use of foreign reserves have to be fully discussed and carried out in a very prudent way.

5. " It is the ghost and the virus that should be ferreted out, " he stressed.

6. Zhang stressed that qualifications will be checked out before such private business endeavours are allowed to come in.

be stressed out

1. be stressed out的解释

1. If so, you might be stressed out.

2. be stressed out的意思

2. Instead of focusing on sexual pleasure and sexual release, she may actually be stressed out by the thought of embarrassing herself by peeing on you and/or on the bed.


3. When you change a job, or relocate under other bosses or other departments, you are possible to be stressed out of your wits by double work.

4. Flee-fled-fled flee from +地点 flee away 25.marry sb=get/be married to sb 26.ask sb to marry sb 27.in one's forties 28.have a happy ending have a sad ending 29.feel embarrassed an embarrassing thing 30.get up 31.fall asleep 32.look stressed out 33.have a bad morning 34.first of all 35.get in the shower =go into the bathroom get out of the shower take a quick show 36.get dressed 37.run all the way to school 38.no wonder 39.run back to school 40.get outside 41.get to school 42.leave one's sth at +地点 43.make it 1The train will arrive at 10:15. I think we'll make it. 2We've almost made it. 3Keep on and you'll make it.
be late for school 逃离从某地逃离逃离/逃跑和某人结婚求婚在某人的四十多岁有个美好的结局有个悲伤的结局感觉尴尬一件尴尬的事起床睡着看上去筋疲力尽有个糟糕的早上首先洗澡洗澡洗完澡洗一个快澡穿衣一路跑向学校难怪跑回学校出去到达学校把某人的某物落在某地来的及某事及时赶到/到达目的我们几乎成功了办成功,做成功坚持就会成功上学迟到 4I think we should make it another time。

5. be stressed out

5. Simultaneously with research papers in full flourish, academic research is out of order and off form. Academic originality should be stressed. To steal the other original academic viewpoints is also plagiarism.


6. In addition, it takes nation-state and non-state actors as examples to discuss the ideal solution for green governance: domestically, a state should be based on ecology and committed to carrying out green politics, green economy, green life and green education; and internationally, the reform and improvement of environmental institutions should be sped up, the important role of inter-governmental international organizations from above to below at all levels should be stressed, and international non-governmental environmental organizations from below to above should be encouraged and propelled to enhance their participation in global green governance.

7. Fourth, the map must be stressed out by a map published in units of copyright, we must produce for examination and publication of an agreement signed between units to avoid the preparation of maps, especially in the preparation of ad-type map of potential fraud.


8. Hang in there! Try not to be stressed out.

9. Try not to be stressed out.

10. L: That's because I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse.

11. L: Thats because I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse.

12. Arry: That's because I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse.
i Hua:Hmm,我也有这种感觉,你越是感到压力大,越会坏事。

13. They always told me the same things; you must be stressed out at work.

14. B: I guess it might be because I am stressed out recently.

15. be stressed out在线翻译

15. You must be stressed out.

16. be stressed out的意思

16. Could it be that he is stressed out?

17. It is pointed out that when designing tool heads, the adjustment of diamond mixture ratios should be stressed to properly balance the maximum cutting depth and cutting force.

18. be stressed out的近义词

18. Sometimes I feel tired, and be stressed out in work.

19. Cameron stressed that the effectiveness of the organization is the core of organization theory, and all the work must be carried out around the organizational effectiveness.

20. Dr Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to stamp it out.

We like cats, but we're a dog company, so as a general rule we feel cats visiting our offices would be fairly stressed out.(我们也爱猫咪,不过我们是一家爱犬公司,所以,一般而言,如果有猫咪在办公室里活动的话,我们会很紧张。)
To be stressed out means to be under pressure. People go on vacations so that they can relieve their stress, and they can forget about work, relax and rest.(的意思是“承受着压力”。人们可以通过度假的方式缓解压力,暂时忘掉工作。放松自己,休整一下。)
But if you think there's a chance he might be stressed out, maybe you should talk to him about it.(但是,如果你认为他可能地压力过大,也许你应该找他谈谈。)
I guess it might be because I am stressed out recently.(我想可能还是因为最近压力太大造成的。)
Research shows stressed-out parents are not only damaging their own health, they may also be making their children more vulnerable to illness.(研究表明父母压力过大不仅会影响自己的健康,还会使孩子更易生病。)
But it did not call for further offshore drilling to be ruled out; on the contrary, it stressed a belief that, if properly managed and regulated, the risks of offshore drilling are still acceptable.(但是他们并没有叫停更远的深海钻井。相反,他们强调一点,如果能够做到有效管理和制度约束,深海钻井的风险还是可以接受的。)
Frankly, this can be really, really hard sometimes, particularly as you get stressed out and are dealing with something that might seem trivial.(坦率地讲,有时候这的确非常非常的难,尤其是当你怒不可遏或处理某些鸡毛蒜皮的事情时。)
Mr Paulson stressed that the seizure of the agencies is merely a “time out”; it will be for the next administration and Congress to determine their future form.(Paulson先生强调对这两家公司的接管仅仅是“暂停”;将有下一任管理者和国会来决定其未来的管理方式。)
Research has shown that depressed or stressed-out people tend to be more susceptible to medical ailments, such as infectious diseases and perhaps even cancer.(研究表面患抑郁症或者是承受巨大压力的人脉特别容易得医学疾病,例如是传染性疾病,甚至是癌症。)
It's nice way to, you know, not be stressed out and just release some energy.(这是一种很好的方式,你知道的,让自己不要压力过大,只是释放一些能量。)
be stressed out是什么意思 be stressed out在线翻译 be stressed out什么意思 be stressed out的意思 be stressed out的翻译 be stressed out的解释 be stressed out的发音 be stressed out的同义词